Let's Investigate: How are Apex Legends' guns different from Titanfall 2's?

Titanfall 2.5? Titanfall 3 - 0.5?
Recently EA and one of the most high-tier devs they have left, Respawn Entertainment, surprise released a free-to-play Battle Royale game called Apex Legends. Since its release, that's all we've been able to talk about. Its addicting and smart take on the battle royale formula is expertly crafted and extremely addicting.
The story of how this game came to be, and how quickly is was put together still remains under lock and key it seems, but there are some snippets of info that we do know. For instance, Respawn has told us that this game was originally intended to be Titanfall 3, but that game is reportedly not happening anymore.
Furthermore, it's now apparent that the weapons in Apex Legends are the same as the weapons from Titanfall. Hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it right?
That being said, the weapons aren't exactly the same. Respawn have made a few tweaks to adapt the weapons to a battle royale setting. So we decided to dive in and figure out everything that was changed so you'll know what to expect when hopping into Apex Legends.
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Ammo Types
As is standard for battle royale games these days, ammo types are a key piece of loot. In order to balance the guns and provide a challenge. With traditional multiplayer shooters, it generally doesn't matter what type of ammo you use because you're just spawned in with whatever ammo your loadout requires.
Battle royales are different though. As part of the looting mechanic (and borrowing heavily from Borderlands and other RPG shooters) ammo is a precious resource that you need to be aware of.
The Types of Ammo are:
- Light - Orange
- Heavy - Dark Green
- Shotgun - Red
- Energy - Green
Weapons & Changes

New Column | New Column |
Changes: none Ammo Required: Heavy |
Mozambique Shotgun
changes: none Ammor Required: Shotgun |
RE-45 Auto
Ammo Required: Light
Ammo Required: Light

New Column | New Column |
Brand new gun! Did not exist in Titanfall 2! Ammo Required: Shotgun |
EVA-8 Auto
Changes: None Ammo Required: Shotgun |
Mastiff |
Changes: None Ammo Required: Proprietary |

New Column | New Column |
Changes: Updated name and slight design changes for the new game Ammo Required: light |
Changes: none Ammo Required: Light |
Prowler Burst PDW
Changes: Brand new weapon! Ammo Required: Heavy |

Assault Rifles
New Column | New Column |
R-301 Carbine
Changes: Slight design changes and updated name from R-201 carbine Ammo Required: Light |
Hemlock Burst AR
Changes: Name Change from "Hemlock BF-R" Ammo Required: Heavy |
VK-47 Flatline
Changes: Name Ammo Required: Heavy |

New Column | New Column |
M600 Spitfire
Changes: "M600" Added Ammo Type: Heavy |
Devotion LMG
Changes: X-55 removed from title Ammo type: Energy |
Sniper Rifles
New Column | New Column |
G7 Scout
Changes: Class changed from AR Ammo Type: Light |
Longbow DMR
Changes: None Ammo Type: Heavy |
Triple Take
Changes: Upgrade in fire mode from 2 to 3 rounds Ammo Type: Heavy |
Kraber .50 Cal
Changes: Legendary Weapon only acquired through care packages and special drops Ammo Type: Proprietary |
So there you have it! Aside from a few new additions, it doesn't seem like very many changes have happened! Be sure to check out our other blogs including How to unlock the most sought after gun in Resident Evil 2